Applications for the Fall 2024, starting in September, are now closed. But you can still get ready to apply for the Spring 2025 semester starting in January!
It's the number one question when deciding to go to College: what's it going to cost?
Tuition and fees at Cape Cod Community College are significantly lower than every four-year institution in Southeastern Massachusetts, but we also understand that you want to make sure you're spending your money wisely. We're here to support you and offer solutions to make sure that you can balance your busy life and go to school.
Apply by completing the FAFSA each year after October 1.
Must be a Massachusetts State resident at least one year prior to receiving funds.
The Cape Cod Community College Educational Foundation awards approximately $200,000 each year in scholarships to 4Cs students. Individual scholarship amounts and criteria vary. A committee of Foundation and College representatives selects recipients. Applications available in late February/early March.
For more information:
If your total awards are less than your demonstrated financial need, you may qualify for the Federal Work Study program. Work study allows students to obtain part-time jobs on-campus and in certain off-campus, community service positions. Students receive paychecks every other week according to the number of hours worked.
To find out if you are eligible for a work study job, contact the Financial Aid Office.
For detailed information on federal education loans, please review
Annual Award Limits
In most cases, loans are awarded for the full academic year. All loans are paid in two disbursements – usually half for fall semester and half for spring semester.
Federal subsidized loans are need-based and do not accrue interest while enrolled at least half time. Subsidized loans will not exceed $3500 (1st year) or $4500 (2nd year). Unsubsidized loans are not need-based and will accrue interest while attending college.
Below are annual maximums available. Actual awards are based on cost of attendance and other aid received. Subsidized will be determined based on federal financial need up to the annual limit.
Dependent Students (FAFSA includes parent information)
Independent Students (FAFSA does not include parent information)
Federal student loans also have aggregate borrowing limits based on all previous borrowing at all schools.
Application Process
The Federal PLUS loan is available to parents of dependent students. The PLUS loan application requires credit approval. Parents may borrow up to the cost of attendance less al other sources of financial aid, including student loans. PLUS loan payments can be deferred while the student is enrolled at least half time, but interest will accrue.
Application Process
Alternative higher education loans are available from private lenders. These loans require credit approval and may require a co-signer. The amount available, interest rate, and application process varies by lender. The maximum amount4Cs can approve is the cost of attendance less all other financial aid, including federal loans.
The College will disclose the college default rate (CDR), if our rate rises above the national average.
Location: Nickerson Administration Building, Ground Floor
Hours: Zoom drop-ins with Financial Aid
Monday–Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 983 1467 4608
Password: FinAid
Other times are available by appointment. Please contact us if you need an early-evening time.
Phone: 774.330.4393
Fax: 508.375.4026